Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Phillippians 2:12
Phillippians 2:12
PreachersA preacher is someone who delivers religious sermons, based on Christian doctrine, to groups of people. Any person can be called to be a preacher.
Christian Education Ministry·Education Ministry Is here to provide and promote a positive and rewarding spiritual understanding of Biblical principles for real life application. To organize and implement educational and informational experiences which address varied needs and diverse audiences, while enabling the development of the whole person, families, and communities
Theme Scripture: II Timothy 2:15 “Study To shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that need not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” Hospitality MinistryThe Hospitality Ministry is the church's first effort of friendliness and kindness. ... This ministry has a simple, but important goal - to serve the Lord by making everyone who attends a service feel welcome and important from the moment they drive onto the church property.
Mission MinistryMissions ministry helps church members to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their neighborhoods, across town, and around the globe.
Prayer WarriorsRejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 |
Finance TeamThe church finance team assists in establishing the budget based on giving projections and allocates dollars to individual ministries & departments.
Evangelism MinistryEvangelism ministry support the members and ministries of our church, so that we proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and unsaved. While equipping the body of believers as we carry out mission.
Men's MinistryMen's Ministry is the active pursuit of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training God's man in Christ.
Music MinistryWe are here to worship God and to lead others into true worship, the whole congregation approaching God and fully expressing itself to God in worship and praise.
Women's MinistryWomen are a important part of the church. ... By ministering to women's unique needs and by purposely training and equipping women for service, women's ministries can help ensure that every woman in the church finds a way to be involved in the mission of the church. Sinai CafeSinai Cafe is responsible for the feeding of God’s people for annual fellowship dinner service and other church supported activities and occasions.
DeaconsA Deacon humbly serves the congregation by ensuring practical matters are met. In so doing, they free the pastors from doing these tasks so that he can devote himself too teaching, praying, and leading.
Kara Dance MinistryThe Dance Ministries of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church are the Kara Dance (Adults) The Zion Bound(Teens) and the Sunbeams(Youth Girls)
Our Mission is to worship God through dance, to bring a sense of healing ,hope and encouragement to people and bring glory to God. Theme Scripture: 2 Samuel 6:14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might Media MinistryTo provide excellence Audio & Visual content for worship services, meetings, studies & more!
Pastor RelationsTo be inline with the pastors and his Vision.
Have a heart for the pastor and family To meet their needs, by supporting our pastor in every aspect. Ushers MinistryDoor keepers in the house of the lord!
Youth MinistryYouth Ministry meets every second Saturday from 9:30am-11:30am. We do different activities including Bible Studies, outreach missions work along with taking field trips and more. Come out and join us each month. |