“A Church in the Heart of the People” A HISTORY TIMELINE 1904-2021 117 YEARS Mount Sinai Baptist Church has been in existence for 117 years, serving the people of God and community. We have been blessed with several strong inspiring Pastors and supporting preachers. During this country’s changes, struggles, community challenges, political problems/policies, corruption, health conditions as well as changes within the church itself, Mt. Sinai continues to survive. The church has had two locations-Ashland Avenue and the present location. This building has undergone several renovations throughout the years, causing members to worship in other locations. The Membership remains supportive and dedicated to our church and pastors. 1904-1914
Under Rev. J. R. Butler, the church moved forward, spiritually and financially. Rev. Butler formed a ministerial staff consisting of Rev. Elijah Smith, Rev. William Jordon, Rev. Matthew Marcus, Rev. James McFarlin, Rev. James E. Bowman, Rev. L.C. Mayfield, and Rev. George A. Crawley Sr. And Rev. Shelton Stewart (associate) He ordained six deacons, Lawrence N. Bowman Sr. Charles Meade, Charles Cannady, Arther Carter, Archie Copeland, and Henry Martin.
Under the direction of Rev. J.R. Butler we became active members of the NAACP. Our Pastor, followed Martin Luther King non-violent approach and leadership; many of the Sinai youth participated in weekly Freedom Bus rides, Sit-ins, and Picket lines.
1970-1980 One of Rev. Brown’s visions was to form a Mass Choir; this vision was fulfilled in 1970. He encompasses all the choirs of the church which became the Mass Choir named the “Voices of Sinai”. In 1979 the Voices of Sinai recorded a live album entitled, “You Better Be Ready”.
Membership was continuously growing and many young people joined and former members returned.
Rev. Ray Cotton came with a vision for Mt. Sinai‘s spiritual growth. His passion was preaching and teaching God’s words. He also showed a special love for family and the youth.
On Monday, February 9, 2017 at approximately 4:30am flames tore through the Mt. Sinai Church house, causing smoke and water damages to the main and lower sanctuary of the church; causing the entire church needing mass renovations, leaving the congregation without a place to worship. During this time we were welcomed by several churches to hold services at their facility; Ebenezer Baptist, Memorial and New Zion Baptist, as well as the Johnson Square School. We were grateful for the welcome extended to the church for worship services. However, the William C. March Funeral Home provided us their Sanctuary for our Sunday services from 2018 until March of 2020. The lower sanctuary or fellowship hall was completed and we began meeting there. Our church was still undergoing repairs to the main sanctuary when the church encounter another fire on the roof of the building, causing damages to the roof, house, main sanctuary and minimal damages to the lower Fellowship Hall in January 2020. Mt. Sinai continues to embrace our beliefs that trials may come but we will continue to hold on to God’s hand. The membership will never give up on God, or our pastor’s vision for this church. Pastor Cotton reminds us that we are not perfect, but we are perfectly forgiven! PRAISE GOD FOR ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN YEARS “A CHURCH IN THE HEART OF THE PEOPLE” From Barbara Bolden, Historian
AuthorSubmitted by Barbra Bolden |